FAQ Refractive surgery

Verisyse, Veriflex, and Vision ICL lenses are types of intraocular lenses that are implanted into the anterior chamber of the eye (between the iris and the cornea, or between the iris and the crystalline lens) to correct refractive errors. The implantation of Verisyse, Veriflex, and Vision ICL lenses serves as an alternative to laser refractive surgery when a patient is not a suitable candidate for laser vision correction, such as in cases of high refractive errors or thin corneas. A detailed examination is required to determine whether a patient seeking refractive correction is a candidate for laser vision correction or lens implantation, considering various measurements and calculations that are assessed.

The surgical procedure is most often performed under local anesthesia. When implanting Verisyse and Veriflex lenses, a small incision is made at the edge of the cornea, and the lens is inserted into the anterior chamber of the eye. With special instruments, it is gently secured to the iris in front of the pupil. This way, the lens is firmly positioned in the appropriate place. A single stitch is rarely placed at the incision site (located under the upper eyelid), which is usually removed after about a month following the surgery. As for the Vision ICL phakic intraocular lens, the implantation procedure is similar, except that the lens is not fixed to the iris but is implanted in front of the natural lens, and the corneal incision is not sutured.

Astigmatism is an irregular curvature of the cornea corrected by cylindrical diopters. By implanting toric phakic intraocular lenses, such as the Vision ICL, today astigmatisms of up to +6.00 diopters can be corrected.

No. The implantation of lenses only corrects the diopter, and accommodation in the eye remains preserved. This means that our natural lens adapts and focuses for good near vision through the power of accommodation.

The implantation of lenses in the anterior chamber of the eye is a reversible process. In the event of cataracts (clouding of our natural lens), phakic intraocular lenses can be easily removed from the eye, and cataract surgery is continued using the standard ultrasound method. In case of injury, trauma, glaucoma, or any other eye condition, the lens is also removed, and appropriate treatment is applied.

Every surgical procedure carries a certain risk of complications. Firstly, there is a risk of infection, as with any surgery, but it is truly negligible in our clinic thanks to the extensive experience of the surgeons and the cleanliness and sterility standards in the operating rooms. There is also a possibility of a transient increase in intraocular pressure during the immediate postoperative recovery period (usually the first 2 weeks) until new dynamics of aqueous humor circulation are established. Every eye surgery also carries a risk of retinal detachment, but it is extremely rare and minimal. Any complication can be managed.

In a certain percentage of patients with implanted lenses, a change in prescription is possible (in 2% to 5%). If there is a change in prescription, it is possible to undergo laser vision correction, or the difference can be corrected with glasses. Lens implantation is a reversible procedure, and in case of a significant change in prescription, it is possible to replace the lens with an appropriate one, or a stronger one.

All restrictions are communicated to the patient during preoperative preparation and during the postoperative visit on the morning after the surgery. It is necessary to follow the instructions for using mandatory therapy. The operated eye should not be washed or rinsed for at least 7 days after the surgery because tap water sometimes contains impurities and microorganisms, and the eye has a fresh surgical wound. If necessary, the eye can be gently rinsed with artificial tears or saline solution. The eye should not be rubbed or touched with hands. For the first 7 to 10 days, it is necessary to protect the eye with darker sunglasses when going outside and avoid wind, smoke, dust, cooking vapors, and cleaning agents vapors. It is recommended not to lift heavy objects, not to stay in a bent position for long periods, avoid intense physical exercise, and avoid swimming pools, baths, and saunas, all within the first month after the procedure. After the first month post-surgery, all restrictions are lifted.

In our clinic, all methods of laser vision correction are applied, including PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy), LASIK (Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis), as well as Epi-LASIK, LASEK, and T-PRK. Depending on the type and degree of refractive error, as well as the findings of the eye examination, patients are offered options to choose the technique for the surgery. In over 95% of cases, we apply the LASIK method.

There are two basic conditions that every candidate for surgery must meet, and those are to be over 18 years of age and to have stable vision for at least one year before the surgery. Other conditions include a range of refractive errors from +6.00 D to -10.00 D, sufficient corneal thickness, as well as the absence of other eye diseases, primarily in the retina.

Laser vision correction and pregnancy have no connection, and surgeries are performed even on women who have not given birth. There is an extremely small chance that hormonal changes during pregnancy will affect the refractive error, and corrective aids (glasses, lenses) or laser surgery have no impact on this process. For women whose refractive error did not change during their first pregnancy, the likelihood of it happening in the second is extremely small. The laser surgery itself does not influence the choice of delivery method.

An appointment can be scheduled within one day from the day of your call. Our nurses will provide you with the first available slot at a time that suits you. We have multiple doctors conducting laser examinations, so we can accommodate you as much as possible.

Prije pregleda potrebno je skinuti kontaktna

Before the appointment, you need to remove your contact lenses, at least 3 days for soft lenses, and 8 days for hard lenses, and arrange for transportation as you will not be able to drive when your pupils are dilated. Additionally, it’s necessary to bring any previous medical records if you have them.

, i to barem 3 dana za meka, a 8 dana za tvrda sočiva, te osigurati pratnju jer nećete moći voziti kada su Vam zjenice široke. Osim toga, potrebno je ponijeti stare nalaze ukoliko ih imate.

Before the appointment, you should remove soft contact lenses for at least 3 full days, while for semi-rigid and rigid contact lenses, this period is at least 8 days. This allows the eye’s surface to “rest,” ensuring the accuracy of measurements and results.

The method of laser vision correction has been in clinical use for over 20 years, with over 40 million people worldwide having undergone this procedure so far. The only complications of this procedure may be transient postoperative dryness of the eye and a partial return of the corrected vision. Both of these complications cannot lead to vision loss and cannot be predicted because they depend on the individual potential for tissue healing. Postoperative dryness of the eye is resolved with artificial tears in the form of drops applied until the tear film recovers. The partial return of vision can be addressed either with additional laser treatment or by wearing corrective lenses. It should be noted that over 95% of patients experience no difficulties after the procedure.

In theory, it’s possible to have the examination and the surgery on the same day, but it’s not advisable. Since we dilate the pupils during the examination to examine your lens and the back of your eye, it’s necessary to wait 2-4 hours for the pupils to return to their original state as required by the laser. The process itself then takes a long time and is not comfortable for the person awaiting surgery. We believe it’s psychologically and technically much simpler to have at least a day’s difference between the examination and the surgery.

Before the actual laser eye surgery, anesthesia is administered in the form of eye drops, so the surgery is completely painless. The surgery takes 5 minutes per eye. The laser reshapes the prescription in seconds (1.5 seconds are needed to remove 1 diopter), and during that time, it’s important to keep looking calmly at the lights above. The operator communicates with you throughout the procedure, guiding you through it. The laser has an “eye tracker” that follows the eye movements, thus preventing any possibility of error. Before the surgery, a check-up of the prescription is performed along with a brief discussion. After the surgery, you’ll receive instructions from our nurses along with eye drops and a discharge letter. Your stay in the clinic on that day lasts slightly over an hour.

After the surgery, you should refrain from heavy physical activities for a month, although light jogging or exercise can be resumed after 2 weeks. Initially, it’s advisable to avoid smoky and dusty environments, while watching TV, working on a computer, and driving can be resumed once the postoperative dryness of the eyes subsides and you feel comfortable. Therefore, you can engage in these activities just a few days after the surgery, within the limits of your comfort. None of these activities can affect the potential return of the prescription, so you need not worry about that. Women should avoid wearing makeup for 3 weeks after the surgery, but washing the face can be done after 3 days. In the first 3 days after surgery, instead of washing the face, the eye should be rinsed with artificial tears to reduce the risk of infection. You can swim in the sea after 2 weeks postoperatively, but you should refrain from swimming in pools for a month due to the possibility of eye infection.

Follow-up appointments are scheduled for the day after the surgery, within seven days, after one month, then after three months, and thereafter once a year. The first two appointments are the most important, so it is preferable to have them done with us. Further appointments are arranged individually. All appointments within the first month after the surgery are free of charge.


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