
What is normal eye pressure?

Normal eye pressure is 10-21 mmHg, and in people diagnosed with glaucoma it should be below 19 mmHg.

Do I have to be on drips for the rest of my life?

If a diagnosis of glaucoma is established, then lifelong therapy is necessary. If a surgical procedure is performed at a certain stage of treatment for better pressure control, then over 60% of those operated on no longer depend on drop therapy.

If I do the laser, do I have to stop the drops?

According to our protocols, after the laser the drops are still used, but with reduced intensity and to a lesser extent.

If surgery is performed, does it mean that glaucoma is cured?

The operation does not cure glaucoma, but rather attempts to stabilize the eye pressure.
After surgery, in about 40% of cases, the use of antiglaucoma therapy is continued in order to maintain a stable eye pressure.

If someone in my family has had glaucoma, does that mean I will have it too?

Glaucoma can be hereditary, therefore we recommend a complete antiglaucoma examination and regular check-ups for a patient who has a positive family history of glaucoma.

Does elevated eye pressure hurt?

In principle, eye pressure does not hurt, except for very high values. This is why glaucoma is often called the “silent killer of vision.” Also, the pain threshold is individual for each patient.

Is elevated eye pressure also glaucoma?

No. Glaucoma is a syndrome that involves increased eye pressure, changes in the visual field, and changes in the optic nerve. In special cases, the eye pressure can be normal, but there are still changes in the visual field and the optic nerve. In this case, we talk about normal-tension glaucoma.

Why does elevated eye pressure occur?

For the classic form of open-angle glaucoma, the exact cause is still unknown. With other forms, there often comes a closure of the angle in the eye (angle-closure glaucoma), or glaucoma can occur as a result of diabetes, occlusion of the central retinal vein, inflammation inside the eye, bleeding in the anterior eye chamber, eye injuries, or long-term use of corticosteroid drops (secondary forms of glaucoma).

Are blood and eye pressure related?

According to scientific research, there is no direct correlation between eye pressure and blood pressure.

Is stress related to eye pressure?

It is believed that stress can indirectly affect the increase in eye pressure.

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