Pozdravni blog

Dragi prijatelji,

Već nekoliko godina, možda čak i decenija, objavljivanje blog-ova postalo je jedno od najčešćih i najkorištenijih vidova informisanja na internetu. U želji da i sam pokušam da svima vama što više približim predivnu nauku kojom se bavim, odlučio sam da od danas registrujem svoju prvu i jedinu blog stranicu.

Oftalmologijom se bavim već 10 godina, vjerujem i dosta uspješno, ali sam kroz sve ove godine bio fasciniran znanjem mojim pacijenata o bolestima ili stanjima oka koje imaju, ili od njih boluju njihovi najbliži. To je, naravno, izuzetno dobra i pozitivna prednost modernih tehnologija kojima smo okruženi i beskrajnim brojem informacija koje su nam dostupne. Sa druge strane, veliki broj informacija sa kojima pacijenti dolaze predstavljene su i prikazane samo kao lična iskustva pojedinaca, ne i kao stavovi nauke i struke.
Ovaj blog zamišljen je kao mjesto na kojem ću objavljivati najnovije infomacije iz svijeta oftalmologije, davati najpraktičnije i najdetaljnije savjete o tome kako da sačuvate zdrav vid, ali govoriti i o tome kako možemo prevenirati bolesti oka kojima smo sve više i sve češće izloženi.
Nadam se da ćete vam sadržaj biti ne samo interesantan, nego i koristan.
Puno pozdrava!
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Not all laser eye surgery options are the same. Find out which one is right for you by taking our quick 2-minute self-test

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Šta kažu naši pacijenti…

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

All praise, expertise and kindness of the entire staff headed by Kozomara



★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I turn to Kozomar ophthalmology with great pleasure, even though I came from Slovenia for their services. I am extremely grateful for their professional treatment during diopter removal and blepharoplasty. Every time I am impressed by their dedicated and precise work. I would especially like to emphasize the respectable attitude of the entire staff


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

All the best! Very satisfied with everything, from the appointment, examination, operation and control. Thank you to the doctor and the whole team for their expertise and kindness!!!


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

It is with great pleasure that I thank the entire staff and dr. Kosamora. I am very satisfied with the service, I came yesterday with very poor eyesight. They restored my vision to 100% painlessly, quickly and professionally. I recommend this clinic to everyone and THANK YOU very much. Sincerely, Adnan Jusić.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Congratulations, I've done several procedures so far, from aesthetics to vision correction. I'm over the moon! Kudos!


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Very friendly staff, medical specialists and technology of the highest quality

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I found out about the clinic from a friend. The professionalism during the examination and the kindness of the entire staff, after two or three days they create an almost friendly relationship with the patients.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Laser dioptre removal done in 3/23. Service at the level, wonderful and very kind staff. Everything was as it was said at the examinations. Clear vision from the first day, thank you from the bottom of my heart! ????


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Excellent team, kindness and professionalism! All recommendations!


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Very friendly and competent team!

Dr. Kozomara, himself is a top professional! I felt very well looked after. Was fully explained. I've been watching in HD quality for a few days now

Thank you very much!!!”


We have replaced the images of the actual patients who provided these testimonials to protect their privacy

Explore how laser eye surgery can help you break free from glasses and contacts

Schedule a consultation with our specialists to determine if laser eye surgery is the right choice for you

Explore how laser eye surgery can help you break free from glasses and contacts

Schedule a consultation with our specialists to determine if laser eye surgery is the right choice for you